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Tim Ozdemir


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Blog Post number 4

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Blog Post number 3

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Blog Post number 2

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Blog Post number 1

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This is a sample blog post. Lorem ipsum I can’t remember the rest of lorem ipsum and don’t have an internet connection right now. Testing testing testing this blog post. Blog posts are cool.


Protocol independent communication system for mobile devices


A system and method provides protocol independent communication between mobile electronic devices.

Recommended citation: Kuo Chu Lee, Juan Yu, Hasan Timucin Ozdemir. (2006). "Protocol independent communication system for mobile devices", US 7,089,313 (August 8, 2006).,089,313.PN.&OS=PN/7,089,313&RS=PN/7,089,313

Method for dynamic selection for secure and firewall friendly communication protocols between multiple distributed modules


Distributed modules in a network dynamically select communication protocols to communicate in a secure or firewall-protected network.

Recommended citation: Juan Yu, Hasan Timucin Ozdemir, Kuo Chu Lee, Shiwen Chen, Eimei Nanma. (2007). "Method for dynamic selection for secure and firewall friendly communication protocols between multiple distributed modules", US 7,237,260 (June 26, 2007).,237,260.PN.&OS=PN/7,237,260&RS=PN/7,237,260

Dynamic resource management for distributed retrieval system for security


Recommended citation: Shuji Inoue, Kuo Chu Lee, Hasan Timucin Ozdemir. (2009). "Content based secure rendezvous chaotic routing system for ultra high speed mobile communications in ad hoc network environment", US 7,502,859 (March 10, 2009).,502,859.PN.&OS=PN/7,502,859&RS=PN/7,502,859

Content based secure rendezvous chaotic routing system for ultra high speed mobile communications in ad hoc network environment


Recommended citation: Kuo Chu Lee, Hasan Timucin Ozdemir. (2009). "Content based secure rendezvous chaotic routing system for ultra high speed mobile communications in ad hoc network environment", US 7,567,562 (July 28, 2009).,567,562.PN.&OS=PN/7,567,562&RS=PN/7,567,562

Associative vector storage system supporting fast similarity search based on self-similarity feature extractions across multiple transformed domains


An associative vector storage system has an encoding engine that takes input vectors, and generates transformed coefficients for a tunable number of iterations.A search engine uses a comparator module to perform similarity search between the approximation vectors and a query vector in a transformed domain.

Recommended citation: Kuo Chu Lee, Hasan Timucin Ozdemir. (2009). "Associative vector storage system supporting fast similarity search based on self-similarity feature extractions across multiple transformed domains", US 7,610,604 (September 1, 2009).,583,845.PN.&OS=PN/7,583,845&RS=PN/7,583,845

Intelligent MPEG media storage, execution, and presentation system using network storage system


A resource manager transforms the MPEG7 descriptors into an active and composite storage, processing, and presentation component in a storage area network (e.g. iSCSI).

Recommended citation: Kuo Chu Lee, Hasan Timucin Ozdemir, Lipin Liu. (2009). "Intelligent MPEG media storage, execution, and presentation system using network storage system", US 7,610,604 (October 27, 2009).,610,604.PN.&OS=PN/7,610,604&RS=PN/7,610,604

Method and system for scoring surveillance system footage


A surveillance system generally includes a data capture module that collects sensor data.

Recommended citation: Hasan Timucin Ozdemir, Sameer Kibey, Lipin Liu, Kuo Chu Lee, Supraja Mosali, Namsoo Joo, Hongbing Li, Juan Yu. (2010). "Method and system for scoring surveillance system footage", US 7,667,596 (February 23, 2010).,667,596.PN.&OS=PN/7,667,596&RS=PN/7,667,596

Intelligent, dynamic, long-term digital surveilance media storage system


An Intelligent, dynamic, long-term digital Surveillance Media storage System (ISMS), proposes an intelligent, dynamic, digital media storage mechanism for digital surveillance applications that can analyze media streams in real-time and provide flexible, scalable, and self-adjustable encoding and indexing mechanisms based on actual needs for digital surveillance systems.

Recommended citation: Lipin Liu, Kuo Chu Lee, Hasan Timucin Ozdemir. (2010). "Intelligent, dynamic, long-term digital surveilance media storage system", US 7,751,632 (July 06, 2010).,751,632.PN.&OS=PN/7,751,632&RS=PN/7,751,632

System architecture and process for automating intelligent surveillance center operations


The intelligent, automated surveillance system collects the interactions between the security personal and the surveillance system during the handling of an alarm.

Recommended citation: Hasan Timucin Ozdemir, Kuo Chu Lee, Hongbing Li, Lipin Liu. (2010). "System architecture and process for automating intelligent surveillance center operations", US 7,840,515 (November 23, 2010).,840,515.PN.&OS=PN/7,840,515&RS=PN/7,840,515

System architecture and process for seamless adaptation to context aware behavior models


A surveillance system implements an architecture and process to support real-time abnormal behavior assessment operations in a distributed scalable sensor network.

Recommended citation: Juan Yu, Hasan Timucin Ozdemir, Kuo Chu Lee. (2012). "System architecture and process for seamless adaptation to context aware behavior models", US 7,962,435 (June 14, 2011).,962,435.PN.&OS=PN/7,962,435&RS=PN/7,962,435

System architecture and process for assessing multi-perspective multi-context abnormal behavior


A multi-perspective context sensitive behavior assessment system includes an adaptive behavior model builder establishing a real-time reference model that captures intention of motion behavior.

Recommended citation: Hasan Timucin Ozdemir, Hongbing Li, Lipin Liu, Kuo Chu Lee, Namsoo Joo. (2012). "System architecture and process for assessing multi-perspective multi-context abnormal behavior", US 8,169,481 (May 01,2012).,169,481.PN.&OS=PN/8,169,481&RS=PN/8,169,481

Predicting a future location of a moving object observed by a surveillance device


A system and method for predictive abnormal behavior detection is disclosed.

Recommended citation: Kuo Chu Lee, Hasan Timucin Ozdemir, Juan Yu. (2012). "Predicting a future location of a moving object observed by a surveillance device", US 8,253,564 (August 28,2012).,253,564.PN.&OS=PN/8,253,564&RS=PN/8,253,564

Threat-detection in a distributed multi-camera surveillance system


A method is provided for detecting a threat in a distributed multi-camera surveillance system.

Recommended citation: Hasan Timucin Ozdemir, Kuo Chu Lee. (2014). "Threat-detection in a distributed multi-camera surveillance system", US 8,760,519 (June 24,2014).,760,519.PN.&OS=PN/8,760,519&RS=PN/8,760,519



Design and Implementation of Semi-Automated System for Fetal Head Images

Published in 11th Informatique Conference of Turkey, Istanbul, Turkey, (Sept. 14-17), 1994

in Turkish.

Recommended citation: Zeynep Odcikin, H. Timucin Ozdemir, Umit Karakas. (1994). "Design and Implementation of Semi-Automated System for Fetal Head Images.", in 11th Informatique Conference of Turkey, Istanbul, Turkey, (Sept. 14-17,1994).

A Digital Image Processing Subsystem For Semi Automated Karyotyping

Published in International Symposium on Computer and Information Science, Antalya, Turkey, (November 7-9), 1994

Recommended citation: H. Timucin Ozdemir, Zeynep Odcikin, Umit Karakas, M. Sinan Beksac, N. Cakar. (1994). "A Digital Image Processing Subsystem For Semi Automated Karyotyping.", in International Symposium on Computer and Information Science, Antalya, Turkey, (November 7-9, 1994).

Exploring JSDA, CORBA and HLA based MuTech’s for Scalable Televirtual (TVR) Environments

Published in Workshop on OO and VRML in the VRML98 Conference, Monterey, California on Feb 16-19, 1998

We discuss here new distributed computing technologies of relevance for building multi-user scalable televirtual (TVR) environments on the Internet such as: Java Shared Data API (JSDA) by JavaSoft, Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) by Object Management Group (OMG) and High Level Architecture (HLA) by Defense Modeling and Simulation Office (DMSO), see

Recommended citation: Geoffrey Fox, Wojtek Furmanski, Balaji Natarajan, H. Timucin Ozdemir, Shrideep Pallickara, Zeynep Ozdemir, Daniel Dias, Vishal Mehra.. (1998). "Exploring JSDA, CORBA and HLA based MuTech’s for Scalable Televirtual (TVR) Environments.", in Workshop on OO and VRML in the VRML98 Conference, Monterey, California on Feb 16-19, 1998.

From JavaBean to Database Web Servers in the Pragmatic Object Web

Published in keynote talk presented by G. C. Fox at the Internet Server Performance Workshop, Madison, Wisconsin, June 23, 1998

Recommended citation: Geoffrey C. Fox, Wojtek Furmanski and Hasan T. Ozdemir. (1998). "From JavaBean to Database Web Servers in the Pragmatic Object Web", in the Internet Server Performance Workshop, Madison, Wisconsin, June 23, 1998.

Object Web (Java/CORBA) based RTI to support Metacomputing M&S

Published in International Test and Evaluation Association Workshop (ITEA’98) , Aberdeen, MD, July 13-16, 1998

We present here our Pragmatic Object Web based approach to High Performance Modeling and Simulation and we describe the associated middleware software recently prototyped at NPAC: JWORB (Java Web Object Request Broker) which integrates HTTP and IIOP protocols, and Object Web RTI which implements DMSO RTI 1.3 on top of the JWORB based CORBA / Java software bus. We explain how JWORB and OW RTI are used to build WebHLA – an interactive FMS training environment and we outline our plan towards WebHLA based Virtual Prototyping Environments for Testing, Evaluation and Simulation Based Acquisition.

Recommended citation: G.C. Fox, W. Furmanski and H. T. Ozdemir. (1998). "Object Web (Java/CORBA) based RTI to support Metacomputing M&S", in International Test and Evaluation Association Workshop (ITEA’98) , Aberdeen, MD, July 13-16, 1998.

Java/CORBA based Real-Time Infrastructure to Integrate Event-Driven Simulations, Collaboration and Distributed Object/Componentware Computing

Published in International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA’98), Las Vegas, Nevada, July 13-16, 1998

We are discussing the four major standard candidates for distributed object/componentware computing: Java, CORBA, COM and WOM within our proposed coordination framework we call Pragmatic Object Web (POW). We describe our integration approach based on multi-protocol middleware server JWORB (Java Web Object Request Broker) that currently integrates HTTP and IIOP and which we now further develop to also support COM and WOM core functionalities. We are also experimenting with visual data ow authoring front-ends using NPAC WebFlow system on top of JWORB based software bus. Finally, we illustrate our technologies in one major application domain- DoD Modeling and Simulation- where we use JWORB to implement the Real-Time Infrastructure (RTI) layer of High Level Architecture (HLA). HLA was recently specified by DMSO as a general integration framework for DoD distributed simulations and we claim that we can bring it to a broader community of distributed collaborative object/componentware computing via the interactive Web/CORBA/Java/COM interfaces of our Pragmatic Object Web.

Recommended citation: Geoffrey C. Fox, Wojtek Furmanski and Hasan T. Ozdemir. (1998). "Java/CORBA based Real-Time Infrastructure to Integrate Event-Driven Simulations, Collaboration and Distributed Object/Componentware Computing", in International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA’98), Las Vegas, Nevada, July 13-16, 1998.

HPcc as High Performance Distributed Computing on top of integrated Java, CORBA, COM and Web standards

Published in Proceedings of the EuroPar98 Conference, Southampton, U.K., September 1-4, 1998

We review the growing power and capability of commodity computing and communication technologies largely driven by commercial distributed information systems. These systems are built from CORBA, Microsoft’s COM, JavaBeans, and rapidly advancing Web approaches. One can abstract these to a three-tier model with largely independent clients connected to a distributed network of servers. See

Recommended citation: G. Fox, W. Furmanski, T. Haupt, E. Akarsu, H. Ozdemir. (1998). "HPcc as High Performance Distributed Computing on top of integrated Java, CORBA, COM and Web standards", in Proceedings of the EuroPar98 Conference, Southampton, U.K., September 1-4, 1998.

IBuilding Web/Commodity based Visual Authoring Environments for Distributed Object/Component Applications - A Case Study using NPAC WebFlow System

Published in , November 1, 1998

Recommended citation: E. Akarsu, G. Fox, W. Furmanski, T. Haupt, H. Ozdemir, Z. Ozdemir and Tom A. Pulikal. (1998). "IBuilding Web/Commodity based Visual Authoring Environments for Distributed Object/Component Applications - A Case Study using NPAC WebFlow System", in November 1, 1998.

Integrating Web, Desktop, Enterprise and Military Simulation Technologies To Enable World-Wide- Scalable Televirtual (TVR) Environments

Published in Information & Security-An International Journal, Volume 3-1999 : Modeling and Simulation, pp. 149-160. Hard copy: ISSN 1311-1493, 1999

This paper presents an approach to the next generation of televirtual (TVR) environments that integrate collaboration with distributed computing and modern modeling and simulation technologies. It follows a three-tier architecture with Web Object (Java/CORBA) based middleware, VRML/Java3D/DirectX based front-ends, and JDBC/PSS/OLEDB based back-ends. It also tests the design and integration concepts that it mentions by prototyping a multi-user authoring and runtime environment, in order to support WebHLA-based, distributed military simulations. The paper lists a taxonomy of collaboratory frameworks and presents an integration paradigm, based on the WebFlow system at the Northeast Parallel Architectures Center (NPAC).

Recommended citation: G.C. Fox; W. Furmanski; B. Natarajan; H.T. Ozdemir; Z. Odcikin Ozdemir; S. Pallickara; T. Pulikal. (1999). "Integrating Web, Desktop, Enterprise and Military Simulation Technologies To Enable World-Wide- Scalable Televirtual (TVR) Environments", in Information & Security-An International Journal, Volume 3-1999 : Modeling and Simulation, pp. 149-160. Hard copy: ISSN 1311-1493.

WebHLA - An Interactive Multiplayer Environment for High Performance Distributed Modeling and Simulation

Published in 1999 International Conference On Web-Based Modeling & Simulation (WEBSIM’99), part of 1999 Western Multi Conference (WMC’99) and also published by MSRC as CEWES MSRC/PET TR/99-14, 1999

The process of integrating DoD Modeling and Simulation paradigms around the new HLA/RTI standards proceeds in parallel with the onset of new Object Web standards for distributed objects and componentware, emergent at the crossroads of CORBA, DCOM, Java, and XML based distributed object technologies. We describe here our WebHLA approach which integrates both trends by offering Object Web based implementation of the HLA framework. See

Recommended citation: G. Fox, W. Furmanski, S. Nair, H. Ozdemir, Zeynep Odcikin-Ozdemir, Tom A. Pulikal. (1999). "WebHLA - An Interactive Multiplayer Environment for High Performance Distributed Modeling and Simulation", in 1999 International Conference On Web-Based Modeling & Simulation (WEBSIM’99).

Using WebHLA to Integrate HPC FMS Modules with Web/Commodity based Distributed Object Technologies of CORBA, Java, COM and XML

Published in Advanced Simulation Technologies Conference (ASTC’99), 1999 Hyatt Island, San Diego, California and also published by MSRC as CEWES MSRC/PET TR/99-15., 1999

HLA standards for interoperability between various DoD Modeling and Simulation paradigms are being enforced in parallel with the rapid onset of new Object Web / Commodity standards for distributed objects and componentware, emergent at the crossroads of CORBA, COM, Java, and XML technologies.

Recommended citation: Geoffrey C. Fox, Wojtek Furmanski, Ganesh Krishnamurthy, Hasan T. Ozdemir, Zeynep Odcikin Ozdemir, Tom A. Pulikal, Krishnan Rangarajan, Ankur Sood. (1999). "Using WebHLA to Integrate HPC FMS Modules with Web/Commodity based", in Advanced Simulation Technologies Conference (ASTC’99), Hyatt Island, San Diego, California, 1999.

WebHLA as Integration Platform for FMS and other Metacomputing Application Domains

Published in Proceedings of the DoD HPC Users Group Conference, Monterey, CA, June 8-15, 1999

High Level Architecture (HLA) standards for interoperability between various Modeling and Simulation paradigms are being enforced by the DoD in parallel with the rapid onset of new Object Web/Commodity standards for distributed objects and componentware, emergent at the crossroads of CORBA, COM, Java, and XML technologies.

Recommended citation: G. Fox, W. Furmanski, G. Krishnamurthy, H. Ozdemir, Z. Ozdemir, T.Pulikal, K. Rangarajan and A. Sood. (1999). "WebHLA as Integration Platform for FMS and other Metacomputing Application Domains", in Proceedings of the DoD HPC Users Group Conference, Monterey, CA, June 8-15.

GraGA: A Graph Based Genetic Algorithm for Airline Crew Scheduling

Published in The Eleventh IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI’99), Chicago IL, November 9-11, 1999

Crew scheduling is an NP-hard constrained combinatorial optimization problem, which is very important for the airline industry. We propose a genetic algorithm, GraGA, to solve this problem. A new graph based representation utilizes memory effectively, and provides a framework in which we can easily develop various genetic operators.

Recommended citation: H. Timucin Ozdemir, Chilukuri Mohan. (1999). "GraGA: A Graph Based Genetic Algorithm for Airline Crew Scheduling", in The Eleventh IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI’99), Chicago IL, November 9-11.

Flight Graph Based Genetic Algorithm for Crew Scheduling in Airlines

Published in Frontiers of Evolutionary Algorithms (FEA’2000) in conjunction with Joint Conference of Information Sciences, February 26-March 2, 2000, Atlantic City, NJ, USA, 2000

Recommended citation: H. Timucin Ozdemir, Chilukuri Mohan. (2000). "Flight Graph Based Genetic Algorithm for Crew Scheduling in Airlines", in Frontiers of Evolutionary Algorithms (FEA’2000) in conjunction with Joint Conference of Information Sciences, February 26-March 2, 2000, Atlantic City, NJ, USA.

Evolving Schedule Graphs for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows

Published in Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC’2000, July 16-19, 2000, San Diego, USA, Vol. 2, pp. 888-895, 2000

The vehicle routing problem with time windows (VRPTW) is a very important problem in the transportation industry since it occurs frequently in everyday practice, e.g. in scheduling bank deliveries. Many heuristic algorithms have been proposed for this NP-hard problem

Recommended citation: H. Timucin Ozdemir, Chilukuri Mohan. (2000). "Evolving Schedule Graphs for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows", in Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC’2000, July 16-19, 2000, San Diego, USA, Vol. 2, pp. 888-895.

Flight Graph Based Genetic Algorithm for Crew Scheduling in Airlines

Published in International Journal of Information Sciences, Volume 133, Issues 3–4, April 2001, Pages 165–173, 2001

Recommended citation: H. Timucin Ozdemir, Chilukuri Mohan. (2001). "Flight Graph Based Genetic Algorithm for Crew Scheduling in Airlines", in International Journal of Information Sciences, Volume 133, Issues 3–4, April 2001, Pages 165–173.

Issues in the transmission, analysis, storage and retrieval of surveillance video

Published in International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, ICME’ 2003, Vol. 2, pp. 161-164, 2003

Recommended citation: D. Doermann, A. Karunanidhi, N. Parkeh, M.A. Khan, Shiwen Chen, Hasan Timucin Ozdemir, M. Miwa, Kuo Chu Lee. (2003). "Issues in the transmission, analysis, storage and retrieval of surveillance video", in International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, ICME 2003, Vol. 2, pp. 161-164.


New Systems Technologies and Software Products for HPCC: Volume III - High Performance Commodity Computing on the Pragmatic Object Web


Recommended citation: Geoffrey C. Fox, Wojtek Furmanski, Hasan T. Ozdemir and Shrideep Pallickara. (1998). "New Systems Technologies and Software Products for HPCC: Volume III - High Performance Commodity Computing on the Pragmatic Object Web", Technology Assessment Report for RCI, Ltd., October 14, 1998.

