Content based secure rendezvous chaotic routing system for ultra high speed mobile communications in ad hoc network environment

Published in US 7,567,562, 2009

Recommended citation: Kuo Chu Lee, Hasan Timucin Ozdemir. (2009). "Content based secure rendezvous chaotic routing system for ultra high speed mobile communications in ad hoc network environment", US 7,567,562 (July 28, 2009).,567,562.PN.&OS=PN/7,567,562&RS=PN/7,567,562


The originator requests information from a target by launching a receptor agent that propagates across the mobile ad hoc network to the target. Along the way, intermediate nodes retain copies of the receptor. The target adds reply information to the receptor and launches it onto the network. When the reply-bearing receptor rendezvous with a receptor copies that contain matching patterns corresponding to the reply-bearing receptor, the reply information is transferred to those receptor copies. The information transferred may be encrypted at the target, using encryption key supplied by the originator. In this way, intermediate nodes cannot access the information being propagated in the receptors that they host.

Recommended citation: Kuo Chu Lee, Hasan Timucin Ozdemir. (2009). “Content based secure rendezvous chaotic routing system for ultra high speed mobile communications in ad hoc network environment”, US 7,567,562 (July 28, 2009).