IBuilding Web/Commodity based Visual Authoring Environments for Distributed Object/Component Applications - A Case Study using NPAC WebFlow System

Published in , November 1, 1998

Recommended citation: E. Akarsu, G. Fox, W. Furmanski, T. Haupt, H. Ozdemir, Z. Ozdemir and Tom A. Pulikal. (1998). "IBuilding Web/Commodity based Visual Authoring Environments for Distributed Object/Component Applications - A Case Study using NPAC WebFlow System", in November 1, 1998. https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/IBuilding-Web%2FCommodity-based-Visual-Authoring-for-Akarsu-Fox/5f266cf6e1bf5361f00c856a3ac5d7a6d4172b54


We present here an approach towards visual authoring environments for Web/Commodity based distributed object/componentware computing using the WebFlow system under development at NPAC as a case study. WebFlow is a 3-tier Java based visual dataflowsystem with applets based authoring, visualization and control front-ends, and with servlets based middleware management ofbackend modules that wrap legacy codes such as databases or high performance simulations.

Recommended citation: E. Akarsu, G. Fox, W. Furmanski, H. Ozdemir, Z. Ozdemir and Tom A. Pulikal. (1998). “IBuilding Web/Commodity based Visual Authoring Environments for Distributed Object/Component Applications - A Case Study using NPAC WebFlow System”, in November 1, 1998.