GraGA: A Graph Based Genetic Algorithm for Airline Crew Scheduling

Published in The Eleventh IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI’99), Chicago IL, November 9-11, 1999

Recommended citation: H. Timucin Ozdemir, Chilukuri Mohan. (1999). "GraGA: A Graph Based Genetic Algorithm for Airline Crew Scheduling", in The Eleventh IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI’99), Chicago IL, November 9-11.


Crew scheduling is an NP-hard constrained combinatorial optimization problem, which is very important for the airline industry. We propose a genetic algorithm, GraGA, to solve this problem. A new graph based representation utilizes memory effectively, and provides a framework in which we can easily develop various genetic operators.


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Recommended citation: H. Timucin Ozdemir, Chilukuri Mohan. (1999). “GraGA: A Graph Based Genetic Algorithm for Airline Crew Scheduling”, in The Eleventh IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI’99), Chicago IL, November 9-11.