Master Thesis Work: Semi Automatic Karyotyping System

Published in (not-published) Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, August 20, 1994

Recommended citation: H. Timucin Ozdemir, "Semi Automatic Karyotyping System", Hacettepe University Master Thesis Work, Ankara, Turkey, August 20, 1994.

Thesis: Hacettepe University Master Thesis Work: Semi Automatic Karyotyping System (Feb 1993 – Aug 1994)


Karyotyping system processes chromosome images and classifies them. This system consists of the following steps:

  • processing images for enhancement: various local, histogram based, adaptive enhancement operators are implemented.
  • object extraction: includes edge detection and sometimes human guidance is required to be able to extract the objects from the scene correctly.
  • feature extraction: a set of features are obtained from the image of each object.
  • classification: assigning the chromosomes to the right classes.

Recommended citation: None because it is not published. See paper based on this research.