WebHLA - An Interactive Multiplayer Environment for High Performance Distributed Modeling and Simulation

Published in 1999 International Conference On Web-Based Modeling & Simulation (WEBSIM’99), part of 1999 Western Multi Conference (WMC’99) and also published by MSRC as CEWES MSRC/PET TR/99-14, 1999

Recommended citation: G. Fox, W. Furmanski, S. Nair, H. Ozdemir, Zeynep Odcikin-Ozdemir, Tom A. Pulikal. (1999). "WebHLA - An Interactive Multiplayer Environment for High Performance Distributed Modeling and Simulation", in 1999 International Conference On Web-Based Modeling & Simulation (WEBSIM’99). http://surface.syr.edu/npac/70/


The process of integrating DoD Modeling and Simulation paradigms around the new HLA/RTI standards proceeds in parallel with the onset of new Object Web standards for distributed objects and componentware, emergent at the crossroads of CORBA, DCOM, Java, and XML based distributed object technologies. We describe here our WebHLA approach which integrates both trends by offering Object Web based implementation of the HLA framework.


Recommended citation: G. Fox, W. Furmanski, S. Nair, Hasan T. Ozdemir, Zeynep Odcikin-Ozdemir, Tom A. Pulikal. (1999). “WebHLA - An Interactive Multiplayer Environment for High Performance Distributed Modeling and Simulation”, in 1999 International Conference On Web-Based Modeling & Simulation (WEBSIM’99).