HPcc as High Performance Distributed Computing on top of integrated Java, CORBA, COM and Web standards

Published in Proceedings of the EuroPar98 Conference, Southampton, U.K., September 1-4, 1998

Recommended citation: G. Fox, W. Furmanski, T. Haupt, E. Akarsu, H. Ozdemir. (1998). "HPcc as High Performance Distributed Computing on top of integrated Java, CORBA, COM and Web standards", in Proceedings of the EuroPar98 Conference, Southampton, U.K., September 1-4, 1998. http://dl.acm.org/author_page.cfm?id=81100197449&CFID=154472192&CFTOKEN=32235503#


We review the growing power and capability of commodity computing and communication technologies largely driven by commercial distributed information systems. These systems are built from CORBA, Microsoft’s COM, JavaBeans, and rapidly advancing Web approaches. One can abstract these to a three-tier model with largely independent clients connected to a distributed network of servers.

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Recommended citation: G. Fox, W. Furmanski, T. Haupt, E. Akarsu, H. Ozdemir. (1998). “HPcc as High Performance Distributed Computing on top of integrated Java, CORBA, COM and Web standards”, in Proceedings of the EuroPar98 Conference, Southampton, U.K., September 1-4, 1998.