Data Science Projects
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# Data Science and Machine Learning Notebooks
- Visualization for Exploratory Data Analysis
- Matplotlib notebook (scatter plot, histogram/kde, box plot)
- Lightning -
- Bokeh -
- Data cleaning
- Notebook
- Dimension reduction
- Notebook for PCA, LogisticRegression, DecisionTree, RandomForest (from Scikit-learn )
- Data Set: Wine Quality
- Problem: Predict quality of wine.
- Approach: Used classification methods (Logistic Regression, Decision Tree, Random Forest) after applying PCA.
- Notebook for PCA, LDA, Autoencoder (from Scikit-learn )
- Data Set: Human Activity Recognition
- Problem: Predict activity from observations.
- Approach:
- Notebook for PCA, LogisticRegression, DecisionTree, RandomForest (from Scikit-learn )
- Notebook for K-Means (from Scikit-learn )
- Data Set: Wine Quality
- Problem: Cluster data for two quality categories.
- Approach: Used K means algorithm to cluster.
- Notebook for K-Means (from Scikit-learn )
- Notebook for LinearRegression, Ridge, Lasso, ElasticNet, ElasticNet CrossValidation, HuberRegressor (from Scikit-learn )
- Data Set: House Sales in King County, USA
- Problem: Predict price of a house.
- Approach: Used regression methods (Linear, Ridge, Lasso, ElasticNet, Huber).
- TensorFlow.LinearRegressor
- TensorFlow.DNNRegressor
- Notebook for LinearRegression, Ridge, Lasso, ElasticNet, ElasticNet CrossValidation, HuberRegressor (from Scikit-learn )
- Notebook for DNNClassifier, LinearClassifier (from TensorFlow)
- Data Set: Wine Quality
- Problem: Predict quality of wine.
- Approach: Used classification methods (DNNClassifier, LinearClassifier).
- Notebook for DNNClassifier, LinearClassifier (from TensorFlow)
- Text Analysis and NLP
- Word2Vec
- Reinforcement Learning